
Do you need a Product or Service? Potrebujete produkt alebo službu?

20.5.2019 · Show the original text translated automatically
Do you need a Product or Service?

Added new offer types: product demand, service demand. Now you can post WHAT YOU NEED and not what you have to offer, and we will find a Seller to make you the offer.

Just describe what you need, and we, the Oziway team, will find the Seller and Quality Check their offer for you.
Potrebujete produkt alebo službu?

Pridané nové typy ponúk: dopyt po produktoch, dopyt po službách. Teraz môžete písať to, čo potrebujete, a nie to, čo máte ponúknuť, a nájdeme predajcu, aby vám ponuku.

Stačí opísať, čo potrebujete, a my, tím Oziway, nájdete predajcu a kontrolu kvality ich ponuku pre vás.